Phone: 02 4751 6119

wiro bound books, springwood printing


Artwork Specifications

Adobe Press Quality PDF is our preferred format for receiving files.

We can also accept the following formats. All links should be supplied as separate files and all non-standard fonts must be outlined.

  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe PageMaker
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • QuarkXpress (version 4 and lower)
  • Microsoft Publisher, Word, Excel or Powerpoint
  • JPEG or TIFF files must be created at the actual size you want your document printed (i.e. not half the size or four times the size)
  • Greyscale images should be minimum 200 dpi
  • Lineart should be 1200 dpi

Artwork Requirements:

If you are unsure about whether your file meets our requirements, please contact us.

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